In the last few days I keep picturing myself and all that I am as building blocks. I see myself standing on my tip toes on top of a few blocks, placing a new block on top of this large figure. This large figure/building represents my beliefs, values, experiences, relationships: The first time I walked into a high school lunch room, the first time I realized I was in love, my first job, my intra and interpersonal conflicts, the growth of the relationships I have in my life with family and friends, my college graduation, the first time I had to really work at a relationship, finding out I like to write, having a passion against domestic violence or the destruction of our natural environment, building a value of honesty and integrity, figuring out I like to learn, my first betrayal, understanding love, passion, hope.
I've learned that life is this series of things that build us up, that in essence create us, and hopefully allow us to be representative of an individual we can be proud of. This week seems to be a challenge to some of my building blocks. Those bottom, deeply engrained blocks are being shoved, realigned, challenged. These shifts are asking me to look deeper within myself, deeper within my life. I realize that these blocks will always be manipulated; by ourselves, outside experiences, new interactions with other people. Things happen that can alter the very center of the person you once recognized yourself to be.
The reality is that when you are strong in yourself, when you really know yourself and your strengths, you're able to rebuild and adjust to lifes challenges. You're able to stand strong in yourself and be proud of the choices you make and how you begin to build an even better you!
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