So I rented this movie thinking.. oh Demi Moore, she hasn't been in anything in a hot minute.. Was it great? Let's just say it got a B/C rating. But it is definitely an interesting concept. The movie is about a family, or rather four salespeople pretending to be a family. Their reason: to sell the hottest and latest protects to their unsuspecting neighbors or schoolmates. My first thought, really weird..
But then I started thinking, how many people have I met that are all about what they have. Their lives revolve around buying the "newest" products. I personally have always felt that the need to "brag" is more or less a way to compensate for a lack of something. A lack of confidence, a lack of intelligence, a lack of much of a life really.
What I'm saying is that I'm tired of people (especially men I've dated) trying to live like the Joneses. They pretend to have this endless stream of cash and spend, spend, spend for a gadget that nobody will care about come 6 months. I just don't get it.
My perspective.. F**K it, give me the cheap brand, give me the extra cash to go fly out of the country somewhere. A beach, Europe, something that will have a residual effect of longer than a five minute fad!
i agree. money should be spent making wonderful memories in a fabulous far-away destination :)