Thursday, July 11, 2019

mind ya businesss...

I've always been a person who self-reflects.. As a matter of fact, I'd say I can't leave any situation without

I often think about what my actions and choices say about me. I won't go so far as to say I try to be a good person because "good" is subjective. For me all that matters is that I'm living my authentic truth -- that I'm growing and learning every day. That I'm shaping my life full of my own personal convictions

I'm about to be 40 in few months and what I realized is that thus far I've lived a life I can admire...

I've accomplished the most stringent of challenges (grad school about caused me to have a stroke), and been blessed enough to travel the world (my greatest joy -- well maybe second to good sex ;).. lol). I've done work I found meaningful and in many ways rewarding...

I care about people (humanity in general but mostly friends/family, let's face it strangers can be annoying) -- I try my best in situations to act out of love. Not filtering this verb by people's actions but by the fact that they matter and I care about them in spite of and because of their strengths and weaknesses.

I live a life free of judgement -- You can own five pigs and let them sleep in your bed, you could have been a criminal in a past or this life, you can kiss frogs, practice a dominant/submissive lifestyle, make a living as an escort, or marry your sister's ex-husband if you want. Makes no difference to me. If I'm honest I'm more curious as to why people make choices than to feel a need to conform them to my standards.

Why am I writing this tonight?? I see every day people post things (some intended to be funny, some not) about other people and it just bothers me. It's almost the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard. I can never ever seem to understand the purpose. I don't understand how or why people find it amusing or just to feel that their life experiences are supreme and therefore they're entitled to do anything, much less label others. It doesn't matter who you are, what you do, where you come from.. this shouldn't be your right.

The lesson of our lifetime... the lesson we still strive to teach in civil rights laws and in classrooms is that we're all just people, and we all carry within ourselves different values, morals, priorities, life experiences and histories. No two people will have the same notion of right or wrong, define life in the same way, or see the same situation thru the same lens. That's what's beautiful about the world.

Realize that all the mistakes people make are their own to make, their experiences to have, their lessons to learn, their growth to be had. And more than that, realize that they may not even view them as mistakes.

So just stop.. and before you act or speak, mind your business!!! ... lol

I think all we can do in life is act in kindness and compassion. We can't expect to have all the answers but instead be humble when we realize we don't. Life is a lesson and if we're lucky enough to live it we should do just that,... concentrate on our own living!!